I just joined the Internet Defense League. Think of it as the cat signal for the Internet. You’ll see a signup at the top of this blog, or just go to the Internet Defense League site. If you are so inclined as I was, please donate to the launch of the cat signal.
Una nova iniciativa batejada com The Internet Defense League pretén mobilitzar als internautes cada vegada que es detecti una actuació que pugui comprometre la llibertat a la Xarxa. Es tracta d’un moviment nascut després de les mobilitzacions contra la Llei The Internet Defense League rallies to Restore the Fourth 2013-7-2 · The Internet Defense League, a coalition of web companies against government control of the internet and its data that formed after the SOPA blackout in 2012, is also getting in on the action. Reddit released its own blog post announcing the rally and continues to hold conversations with organizers and participants at /r/restorethefourth. The Internet Defense League Shines A Bat Light On Web …
May 28, 2012 · A new grass roots organization, the Internet Defense League, has been formed with the goal of having websites join together to combat threats to the Internet such as SOPA.
Una nova iniciativa batejada com The Internet Defense League pretén mobilitzar als internautes cada vegada que es detecti una actuació que pugui comprometre la llibertat a la Xarxa. Es tracta d’un moviment nascut després de les mobilitzacions contra la Llei The Internet Defense League rallies to Restore the Fourth 2013-7-2 · The Internet Defense League, a coalition of web companies against government control of the internet and its data that formed after the SOPA blackout in 2012, is also getting in on the action. Reddit released its own blog post announcing the rally and continues to hold conversations with organizers and participants at /r/restorethefourth. The Internet Defense League Shines A Bat Light On Web …
Internet Defense League | Know Your Meme
Jul 19, 2012 · The Internet Defense League (IDL) is a group of companies, groups and people who have joined forces to mobilize against future proposed laws, like the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Internet Defense League looks to guard against bad laws The new group hopes to harness the group of Internet users that protested SOPA and PIPA. By Grant Gross. Senior Editor,