So in school we need to install a certificate to access https sites. In firefox, I can import the certificate. However, I can't do so with the command line. Use openssl(1) to convert the certificate to PEM format. Run: $ openssl -in mycert.cer -inform DER -out mycert.pem -outform PEM – Arch user Jul 21 '15 at 1:36. 2

For more information on SSL/TLS Best Practices, click here. The installation is in four parts. 1) Copy the certificate files to your server. 2) Configure the Apache server to point to certificate files. 3) Test the configuration was successful. 4) Restart the Apache server. Apache: CSR & SSL Installation (OpenSSL) Use the instructions on this page to use OpenSSL to create your certificate signing request (CSR) and then to install your SSL certificate on your Apache server. Restart Note: After you've installed your SSL/TLS certificate and configured the server to use it, you must restart your Apache instance. How to install an SSL certificate on a Tomcat server Jul 09, 2019

Oct 25, 2019

The answer is simple because child certificate must have a SAN block - Subject Alternative Names. If we sign the child certificate by "openssl x509" utils, the Root certificate will delete the SAN field in child certificate. So we use "openssl ca" instead of "openssl x509" to avoid the deleting of the SAN field. Importing Existing Certificates Into a KeyStore Using openssl

Jan 27, 2018

Mar 30, 2015 ssl - How to create a self-signed certificate with OpenSSL The answer is simple because child certificate must have a SAN block - Subject Alternative Names. If we sign the child certificate by "openssl x509" utils, the Root certificate will delete the SAN field in child certificate. So we use "openssl ca" instead of "openssl x509" to avoid the deleting of the SAN field. Importing Existing Certificates Into a KeyStore Using openssl Jan 31, 2016 How to set up and install a Trusted Certificate from a